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First of all you need to get on the web and look for a dentists website. Google the words dentist in South america or dentist in Tijuana or Dental Tijuana. You can find Dental Implants in Tijuana a number of medical ( dental ) websites of dentists in Tijuana Mexico. Tijuana is the best destination to go to because it is located just across the border from San Diego CA which is the major US city on the Mexican border and there is much easier access from the UNITED STATES and a major airport terminal. Flights into San Diego are cheaper and more frequent then to Este Paso Texas.

After finding some dentists websites next compare the pricing. In the event that they dont list their prices up front be warned you may get a major surprise when you go So skip over those websites. When you settle on a few dentists then call them. If they cant communicate adequately with you in English neglect them too. When you talk to the oral clinic they must be able to give you a rough estimate over the phone. If you have attended your local dentist you will really know what you need done and you will probably also find that in Mexico the prices will be from 65 to 80 lower than in the USA. If the person you talk to find it difficult to give you a proposition skip that clinic. Best dentist in Tijuana Inquire further if they guarantee their work how long it takes to get the work done and ask to offer details as to how the procedures are done. The person who answers the phone is most probably not the dentist but if the dentist have not properly trained them to respond to your questions properly then that should increase a red flag so embark on to the next one.

Make sure they give good service. Price is not the only thought. It is not worth every penny to get poor service or no guarantee on the effort just to save a few bucks. This is important is to see how much the clinic is willing to help you plan your trip provide you with hotel amenities and discover transportation. These kinds of things arent something you can expect the dental professional to purchase but a good dental clinic will be conscientious to accommodate the patients with good service and you will need their help if you are coming from very far.

Before you finalize your plans ask the dental practitioner for a few testimonials and for some pictures. A good dentist will have plenty of patients who are excited about the good work the received and they are able to Dental Clinic in Tijuana give you the contact information of a few with their recent patients. You can tell if the person they give you is absolutely a patient by the way they react to your questions and you will be able to about the feel for how well they were taken care off. If they arent prepared to give you referrals and some pictures then don't go there.